
For the first time in the history of Sharing is Caring, the conference will spread out over three days. As we’re in Aarhus, the cultural capital of Europe, we want you to make the most of your stay.

Full programme for print – please print og save before the conference.

See who’s joining us – LIST OF PARTICIPANTS

Sunday 19 November 

Programme for Sunday for print

10.00-19.00  (including meals)
CULTour of the region of Aarhus cultural capital of Europe

Dokk1 Aarhus, CC BY-SA Villy Fink Isaksen - Wikimedia Commons
Dokk1 Aarhus, CC BY-SA Villy Fink Isaksen – Wikimedia Commons

Join us on a bus tour to cultural attractions in Central Jutland. We will visit Dokk1 – Aarhus’ new main library, Museum Jorn and Gl. Estrup Manor Museum, all hosted by professional guides. The CULTour is free for “Full Conference” participants.

Monday 20 November

Venue: The Old Town
Moderator: Merete Sanderhoff, initiator of Sharing is Caring 

A day packed with world-class speakers, ready to share their experience on creating and capturing impact of digitised cultural heritage. Set in the unique surroundings of the open air museum The Old Town.

The Old Town, CC BY-SA Nils Jepsen - from Wikimedia Commons
The Old Town, CC BY-SA Nils Jepsen – from Wikimedia Commons

9.00 Arrival, registration and coffee

9.30 Welcome 

9.45 Keynote
Elizabeth Merritt, Center for the Future of Museums

10.30 Comfort break

10.45-13.00 Three main speakers in OpenGLAM

10.45-11.30 Libraries
Marie Østergård, Library Director, Aarhus Public Libraries

11.30-12.15 Archives
Tim Sherratt, historian, hacker, University of Canberra, Australia

12.15-13.00 Museums
Rob Stein, Chief Program Officer, American Alliance of Museums

13.00 -14.30
Lunch break – take a walk through The Old Town

14.30 Ignite session
Program will follow the open call  

15.15 Coffee break

15.30 Europeana Impact Assessment Framework
Harry Verwayen, Deputy Director, Europeana

16.15 Wrap up and intro to the workshop day

16.30 End of program


Drinks, dinner, party, DJ!!!!

Tuesday 21 November

Venue: ARoS Art Museum
NB: Every attendant can sign up to two halfday workshops

Get hands-on experience on how to boost your impact, both online and onsite. Select two workshop sessions that match your institutional and individual interests.

ARoS Art Museum, CC BY-SA Jens Cederskjold - Wikimedia Commons
ARoS Art Museum, CC BY-SA Jens Cederskjold – Wikimedia Commons

9.00 Welcome and coffee

9.30-12.00 Workshop 01

12.00-13 Lunch break – take a walk through ARoS Art Museum

13.00-15.30 Workshop 02

15.30-16.00 Wrap up and thanks


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